Advice For Your 20s: How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure In Your 20s

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Here is the best advice for your 20s if you’ve been struggling and feeling lost.

Being in your 20s forces you to grow up and to be responsible when, for the most part, all you’d known was being a kid and not making “grown-up” decisions. 

 The 20s become even harder when, like me, you don’t have an older sibling to give you tips or to guide you.

Now that social media is a big part of our lives; the comparison battle doesn’t make the 20s easy.

You see all those young and successful influencers buying houses, cars, and living your dream life, making you feel like something is wrong with you.

Trust me; nothing is wrong with you.

You just need to find your own pace and what works for you, not what the world says you should be accomplishing or doing in your 20s.

This is your life. Never let anyone tell you how to live it or make you feel like you’re living it wrong.

When it comes to stopping the feeling of failure in your 20s, gaining back control over your life is a crucial step.

If you are in your 20s or you are almost there, and you have been feeling shitty, today I will share with you 7 tips that will help you take your life into your own hands and stop feeling like a failure.

Advice For Your 20s: 7 Best Tips To Help You Stop Feeling Like A Failure

1. Define what your success looks like

To stop feeling like a failure in your 20s, it’s important to find your true meaning of success. Is it becoming a millionaire, Being famous, or traveling the world?

Of course, these are some of the things that society made us believe define success, and not that anything is wrong with them, but what is success to you?

When you close your eyes and imagine a much better and happier life, what do you see?

Identifying what success looks like to you will help you focus on the most important things in life, and not what social media says is a successful life.

I personally define my success as living my life in freedom, independence, and being happy.

Ever since I found what success looks like to me, it has helped me focus on things that bring me closer to my success, and I have stopped comparing myself to others because their success is not success to me.

2. Know what you want in life and why you want it

The second best advice for your 20s is identifying what you want in life and why you want it.

Start from the biggest things that you always dream about having in your life, then for everything single one of them, write down why you want it.

Is it because it would bring you closer to your success, or is it because society says you should get it? Would it improve your life, or would it mess it up?

Doing this will help you know what you actually need in life and what you don’t need, and this self-awareness will help you stop feeling like a failure in your 20s.

3. Create goals to help you get what you want in life

This is very important. I repeat, creating goals is very important in your 20s.

If you have identified what success means to you, and if you know some of the things you actually want in life and don’t create goals, it won’t help.

For your success and for you to get what you want in life, goals will help you move closer and closer to your dream life.

It’s also important to remember that you should create realistic short-term goals for every long-term goal. Here is why.

Let’s say that your long-term goal is building passive income online. Then you will have to create short-term goals like starting a blog or a youtube channel.

These short-term goals are important because they help you to start working towards achieving bigger goals.

Doing this will make you feel better and happier in your 20s.

Related Post: 10 Tips On How To Be Your Happiest Version

4. Give yourself time to find your passion

When it comes to finding your passion, don’t stress yourself out. Figuring out what you’re passionate about takes time.

We are always made to believe that we should figure things out by the time we’re in college, which causes a lot of stress and anxiety.

If you still don’t know your passion or purpose in life, allow yourself to figure it out in peace.

Appreciate this time to try out several things and find out how they make you feel.

Allow yourself the time to grow at your own pace, and appreciate every step of the journey.

Your purpose is a huge thing, and it cannot be figured out in a short time.

As you go through life and experience several things, it brings you closer to finding your self and your purpose.

So if you are in your 20s and still don’t know who you are, your passion, or your purpose, don’t panic.

5. Avoid toxic people in your 20s

We all know those people who are always interested in telling us where we should be in life.

Whether it’s toxic family members or anyone else who put unrealistic expectations on you, you need to avoid them.

It’s important that you follow a certain path and decide about your life because you want to, not because someone else wants you to follow that path.

Please stay away from people who criticize your life and your decisions because they contribute to that feeling of failure you have.

When people start putting unrealistic expectations on you in your 20s, remind yourself what your success looks like and what you really need in life.

Always remember that conquering your life and becoming the happiest in your 20s starts with putting yourself first and understanding that this is your life and no one else’s.

That you are the only one who is in charge of making decisions when it comes to the kind of life you want to live. 

Read also: 8 Signs Of Toxic Friends You Should Never Ignore

6. Stop comparing yourself to others

Another best piece of advice for your 20s is to stop comparing yourself to others.

Most of the time, this feeling of failing in life comes from comparison.

It could even be that you’re comparing yourself to someone whose life you don’t even want, but the constant comparison makes you feel bad about yourself.

Practicing gratitude every day really makes you realize how amazing your life is and how you’re worth more than you think.

Appreciate yourself, who you are, and your life daily.

Unfollow everyone who makes you feel bad about yourself, and only focus on people who inspire you to become your best self.

This will help you be yourself, and a lot more happier in your 20s.

7. Remind yourself that you are still young 

It’s crazy how much pressure the 20s put on you.

Like, the 20s are not the end of your life. Imagine how much longer you still have to go in life!

You still have time to figure things out and to be successful.

Whenever you find yourself stressing about life in your 20s, always remind yourself that you are still young and that you have a long way to go.

Use your 20s to find yourself, to learn more about who you are, and to grow as a person.

Listen to your heart and always remember that your life is yours.

Society can not define who you become or how you live. Take back the power, and be the happiest in your 20s.

This post showed you the best advice for your 20s to help you stop feeling like a failure.

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