How To Be The Main Character: 5 Easy Things You Must Do To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

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best version of yourself

Have you been looking for ways to become the best version of yourself? Trust me, it may seem hard, but it isn’t.

You just need to be willing to change your current situation and upgrade yourself.

There’s sooo much you can do to become your best self, but I recommend starting by taking small steps.

Doing everything at once will overwhelm you and make it hard to commit to your new journey of self-growth.

If you feel so confused and like, “where do I even begin?” don’t worry.

I put together 5 easy things you can do starting today to become the best version of yourself.

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

how to be the best version of yourself everyday

1. Know Who You Are

The first thing that will help you improve yourself greatly is being self-aware.

Knowing who you are, your values, what you like, and what you don’t like will keep your focus on the things that matter.

Society cannot force you to do something just because everyone else is doing it when you know who you are.

If it doesn’t make sense to you or if it threatens your values, you can’t involve yourself with it.

Knowing who you are will help you focus on what you’re good at and find ways to improve the areas of your life that are lacking. 

2. Find Your Thing

Find what you love doing or what you would like to pursue in life and chase it endlessly.

Trust me, having a plan will fill your life with so much joy and peace.

No matter what everyone says or how discouraging people around you may be, don’t settle for something you’re not interested in.

Being your best self means not being in places or situations that don’t make sense for who you want to become.

When you finally find that one thing you’re passionate about and that you love doing, you will feel much more confident and shine through it.

3. Have Goals

Now let’s be real. You can’t get far if you’re not actually planning for your life.

Having goals is the best way to start working towards achieving your dreams, and having short-term goals is even better.

If you want to be a successful YouTuber, for example, you can’t be thinking of hitting a million subscribers in one week; unless you’re built different, lol.

You could probably make hitting a million subscribers a long-term goal when setting realistic goals.

Your short-term goal could be something like saving for a new camera or uploading once a week.

Even though these seem like small and insignificant goals, they help you stay focused on achieving the bigger goal.

So instead of procrastinating about getting started because you feel like your dreams are too big, break them into short-term goals that are easier to work on today.

Read Also: How To Stop Feeling Like A Failure In Your 20s

4. Be Confident In Who You Are

Listen, being your best self means being unapologetically you and not caring what others think.

It’s crazy how others try to control our lives and how sometimes we let them succeed.

We give up on being better versions of ourselves because we’re worried about what others will think.

To become the best version of yourself, you will have to forget trying so hard to impress others or always wanting to fit in.

If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. If you want to do it, then go for it.

Never let others tell you what to do with your life.

Be yourself, find your aesthetic, and if they don’t like it, it’s up to them.

Related Post: How to Stop Caring What People Think of you and Start Living Your Best Life

5. Avoid Toxic People

I can’t even tell you how many toxic people I used to keep in my life. If you’re planning on keeping toxic people in your life, please do yourself a favor and drop them.

People who do not want you to become your best self or do better and people who mess up with your energy shouldn’t stay in your life.

Friendships that drain you don’t only mess up with your mental health, but they also stop you from reaching far in life. 

Start surrounding yourself with people who motivate you to be your best self, and stop allowing toxic people into your life.

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how to be the best version of yourself physically

This post showed you exactly 5 easy things you can do to become the best version of yourself. Start implementing these five changes into your life starting today, and you will see your whole life change.

What are you going to do to become the best version of yourself? Let me know in the comment section below!

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