7 Habits For a Perfect College Morning Routine

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College mornings can be extremely tiresome for most of us. Things get even more complicated when you have early classes to attend or a lot of work due.

Waking up can be extremely hard to do, even when you have tons of things waiting to be done.

However, learning how to build the perfect morning routine can solve most of your daily college problems.

Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day, and the perfect morning routine can help you have a less stressful yet productive day in college.

Today, I will share with you the best college morning routines to help you get your college life back in order.

The Best College Morning Habits You Need To Build

1. Get Enough Sleep The Night Before

To have the perfect college morning, you need to get enough sleep every day. Even if you may not get 8 hours of sleep, try your best to get at least 7 hours of sleep.

You probably think that it’s impossible to get enough sleep with all the workload and your busy schedule, but it is.

You just need to evaluate yourself and find some of the things that can be eliminated in your day so that you may be able to get enough sleep.

Getting enough sleep will help you feel relaxed in the morning, making it easier for you to wake up.

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2. Make Your Bed First Thing in The Morning

Making your bed right after waking up will help you feel organized and ready for the day.

Plus, making your bed will make your room look much more organized, reducing some of the morning stress.

It will also help you have an overall less stressful day because by the time you come back to your room from your classes, seeing an already made bed will make you feel relaxed.

We all know the pain of seeing an unmade bed after a stressful day.

3. Drink Lots of Water

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard this so many times. It is essential to stay hydrated to have a perfect college day, and the best way to start your morning is by drinking water.

Always make sure that you keep water in your room the night before so that you can remember to drink some when you wake up in the morning.

Drinking a lot of water in the morning will save you from the effects of dehydration like constant headaches and fatigue.

4. Do a Morning Workout

Morning workouts not only make you feel awake, but they also help you boost your metabolism and shed a little bit of weight every day.

You can go to the gym for your morning workout, but you can also work out in your room if you don’t have a roommate or if they won’t be bothered by you working out in the room.

Keep it simple by doing a 15 or 20-minute workout for your morning workout.

5. Take a Cold Shower

You may feel like taking a hot shower every single morning because who doesn’t like a hot shower?

However, if you want to have a perfect college morning, a cold shower will have to be your BFF.

Cold showers in the morning are the best for making you feel awake and ready for the day.

Unlike warm showers that can leave you feeling like snuggling back in bed, a cold shower will leave you looking forward to the day ahead.

6. Plan For Your Day

Planning your day in the morning will help you stay organized throughout the entire day.

You can make a list of tasks that need to be completed that day or set a goal on what you would like to accomplish.

This will keep you focused on planned tasks, and you will be less likely to waste time during the day.

This will also help you stay ahead of your college work, especially if you get a lot of assignments and projects.

7. Avoid Checking Your Phone First Thing in The Morning

If you’re the kind of person who checks their phone or social media first thing in the morning, you will have to stop doing this to have a perfect college morning.

This is because checking your phone first thing in the morning reduces your ability to prioritize tasks and your attention span, increasing stress levels.

Ever since I stopped checking my phone right after waking up, my mornings became less stressful and more productive.

So, for your college morning routine, I would advise not checking your phone until you’ve completed at least three tasks on your to-do list!

Which of these seven college morning habits do you find helpful? Let me know in the comments!

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