How To Be Happy: 10 Things That Will Make You Happier

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How to be happy

Being your happiest version is one of the best things that could ever happen to you, especially in this era of social media and too much technology.

With so much toxicity that gets thrown our way daily, it can easily get harder and harder for us to be happy.

However, with a few tips, you can easily stop feeling miserable and start finding happiness in your daily life.

If you are reading this, you probably want to know what you can do to be your happiest version.

I put together ten tips that have enabled me to be happier for the past year, and hopefully, they will help you too.

How To Be Happy: 10 Things That Will Make You Happier

1. Find what makes you happy

The first step to being your happiest self is to find those little things that make you happy. This means that you have to take some time to get to know yourself.

This way, you will be able to identify all those things you allow into your life, even when they make you feel miserable.

When you finally find those little things that make your soul happy, try your best to put your focus on them, and never allow anything that doesn’t make you feel happy in your life.

2. Cut off toxic people

Listen, when it comes to being your happiest self, you must identify your happiness vampires.

Who makes you feel miserable when you’re around them? Who is not happy for you when you win? Who threatens your values? Find all these toxic people in your life and cut them off.

It’s when I gained the courage to cut off my toxic friends that I became the happiest.

So if you are already thinking about those people who make you feel like shit, you need to let them go so that you can finally be happy.

Check out these posts on how to identify and cut off toxic people.

3. Practice gratitude

Most of us really spend a lot of time complaining about what we don’t have or how much better things could be, but this behavior steals happiness.

The best way to be happier is to appreciate who you are and what you have. Think about some of the things you complain about the most in your life. Couldn’t it get much worse than that?

When you start practicing gratitude, you start falling in love with yourself and your life.

Always try your best to practice gratitude every day, and you will see yourself be happier than you were.

4. Try to look your best

One of the things that will make you feel happier is looking your best. When you look good, you feel good.

When you cherish yourself and always make an effort to look your best, you feel much better. So always take time to make yourself look presentable.

You will be surprised by how much happier you will feel when you start investing in looking your best.

Find those features that you love about yourself, and always focus on enhancing them. Doing this will also help you love yourself more, and what’s better than self-love in this toxic world we live in?

5. Work on your goals

If you are someone who has big dreams and goals that you’re not working on, it’s time to start chasing them.

Saying that you want to be successful is easier, but putting in the work is not easy.

The best way to work towards achieving your long-term goals is to break them down into short-term goals.

When you finally start taking those tiny steps to be your best self, you will feel your happiest. So start today, and work on your goals. You will be surprised by how happy you will be when you start.

6. Declutter your closet

Like seriously, how many times do you stare at your clothes and say that you don’t have anything to wear, even though you have a lot of clothes?

If this is you, then you need to focus on your personal style. Most of the time, this happens when you have a certain favorite style, but none of the clothes you own match that aesthetic.

This is also part of knowing yourself and what you love.

Find a style that you’re comfortable in, which makes you feel good, and try buying clothes that only match that aesthetic.

If you need inspiration on finding your personal style, check out this amazing book called The Curated Closet.

7. Take care of yourself

Self-care is essential when you are trying to be happier. In this busy world, it’s easier to forget about yourself completely, which steals your happiness.

One way to reverse this is to find time during the week that is only dedicated to self-care.

Develop a self-care routine that you love, then watch how much happier you will feel when you take some time off to focus on yourself.

Check out these posts for self-care ideas and inspiration:

  1. 30 self care Tips for when you feel stressed out or uninspired
  2. 20 Uplifting self care ideas for when you are sad
  3. 20 doable self care ideas for busy college students

8. Social media detox

Social media can be very toxic. Sometimes it makes you feel like everyone else is thriving and you are miserable.

If you are someone who struggles with this, you must take a break.

Give yourself some time, like a month or a week, and delete the apps from your phone. You will be surprised by how peaceful and happier you will feel when you live without social media for some time.

I personally decided to delete all my social media accounts and let me tell you; this is the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

9. Be Yourself

It’s crazy how sometimes society or even the people around you can force you not to be yourself. If you are struggling with this, it’s time to realize that it doesn’t matter what others think.

Start putting yourself first, and never allow anyone to try and mold you into being different.

Be confident in who you are, and hey, even if you don’t feel confident yet, fake it till you make it.

Put your focus on what makes you feel happy, and align your daily decisions with your happiness in mind.

It doesn’t matter if everyone else is doing something else.

Always put yourself first, and don’t be scared of saying no to the things that don’t bring you happiness.

10. Leave Places That Don’t Bring You Happiness

Sometimes it’s the place you’re in that limits your happiness.

I know how hard it can be to decide on moving, but sometimes you really have to do it for your own happiness.

If you hate your school or your job, it would be almost impossible for you to be happy.

So if you want to be happy, leave. 

Keep in mind that it’s when you know yourself and what makes you happy that leaving works.

If you don’t have a good plan for other alternative jobs, schools, or cities that would enable you to find happiness, leaving may not work for you.

Make sure that you have a good plan in mind before quitting your job, transferring schools, or moving to another place.

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