How To Be More Productive: 7 Tips To Help You Get More Work Done

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how to be more productive

If you want to know how to be more productive, you’re in the right place.

I know how hard it can get when work and deadlines pile up, but you feel like you have no energy to do anything.

I also used to struggle with this until I learned what it is that I needed to change to be more productive.

If you struggle with procrastination and if you tend to feel lazy, I have good news for you.

You can still change this and manage to stay on top of your work without missing any deadlines or forgetting to complete important tasks.

The thing is, most tips out there on how to be more productive, tend to be much more complicated.

They require you to develop new habits, which isn’t easy, or to follow complex work systems.

If you’re someone who has been struggling with finding easier productivity tips, I got you.

Whether you’re a student or someone who works from home, you’ll learn a lot from today’s post.

I put together a list of 7 easy productivity tips that will help you stop being lazy and actually get more work done.

7 Insanely Easy Tips On How To Be More Productive

How to be more Productive

1. Change Your Work Environment

One of the best ways to be more productive is changing your work environment.

If you work from your bedroom, you’ll be more likely to feel less motivated because your brain is used to you sleeping and chilling there.

Also, if you work from the same place where you watch Netflix, getting some work done will be much more challenging.

So find that one place in your house where you never spend time and turn it into your workspace.

Focus on only getting your work done from this place.

This way, your mind will associate your workspace with being focused and productive.

2. Negative Vizualization

This has literally helped me stop being lazy and be more productive when I don’t feel like it.

Negative visualization is basically visualizing the worst-case scenario.

This can be used in several different ways, but when it comes to productivity, this is how you can use it:

When you feel like wasting time and doing nothing, think about your dreams and how you are going to fail to realize them.

Visualize yourself living the shittiest life because you didn’t get to live your dream life.

Listen, doing this makes me feel like I should work even harder to make sure that I don’t fail in life, and I’m sure that it will work for you too.

3. Take Breaks While Working

You literally need to start taking breaks if you tend to work for longer hours.

Your brain can’t focus on one thing for a long period of time, which is why you need to give yourself a small break now and then while working.

What I have personally found helpful is working for 45 minutes straight and taking a 15-minute break.

To help you be even more productive, set a 45-minute timer to help you keep track of time.

Trust me; this will make you much more focused and productive.


4. Break Bigger Tasks Into Smaller Tasks

I can’t even tell you how overwhelmed I used to feel trying to do everything at once.

If you’re like this and you tend to do everything at once, start breaking your tasks into smaller, manageable tasks.

If it is an assignment or any other task you need to complete in a week, break it into smaller tasks that you can work on every day without feeling stressed out or overwhelmed.

Especially when it comes to deadlines, doing this will leave you with less work on the last day, which will help you feel motivated to complete everything.

5. Organize Your Life

Organization tools like Google Calendar and Notion App will be your BFFs if you want to be more productive.

If you’re someone who doesn’t plan out their day, you need to start doing so.

When you time block your entire week with Google Calendar, it helps you take work hours more seriously.

This is because it gives everything its own time without disrupting your work hours, and random things that come up can easily be added in a space where nothing is scheduled on your calendar.

Check out this video on how to organize your life with Google Calendar if you don’t know where to start from.

6. Reward Yourself

Okay, this one right here is the one.

Think about all of those things that are stopping you from getting more work done.

This could be that show you want to binge-watch instead of working or scrolling on social media.

Turn that thing into your reward for when you finish a certain amount of work.

If you feel like this is too hard for you to do, force yourself to do it for a couple of times, and it will start to feel much easier.

7. Just Start

On those days when you feel like you have zero energy to start working, literally just start.

If you feel like you don’t want to work out, just start putting on your workout clothes.

Tell yourself that you will stop if you do it for five minutes and still feel like you don’t want to do it.

In most cases, you will find yourself enjoying it or being much more focused, and you will keep going.

So the next time you feel like you don’t want to get started writing that paper or working on that project, just start working on it.

Want to get back to these tips? Save this image on Pinterest!

This post showed you 7 easy tips on how to be more productive.

What other things do you find helpful when you want to get more work done? Let me know in the comment section below!!

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