10 Best Morning Habits For Productivity

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Building good morning habits for productivity is essential if you want to manage your time and be productive. 

Most of the time, being productive gets harder.

You may not have realized it but the choices you make in the morning affect how you spend the rest of your day.

If you have been struggling with feelings of laziness, and are looking for ways to stay productive all day, I got you!

I put together 10 easy morning habits that you can start building today if you really want to get your shit together. 

These are the things that have helped me stay productive and motivated ever since I started incorporating them into my mornings, and hopefully, they will change your life too.

10 Morning Habits To Build For A Productive Day

1. Sleep, sleep, sleep!

If you want to have a productive day ahead, you need to get enough sleep.

If you don’t get enough sleep the night before, it will be much harder for you to get more things done the following day.

Set a bedtime, and an alarm that you can stick to for at least a month, so that you can build the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every single day.

Trust me, getting enough sleep plays a big part in staying focused and getting much more things done.

2. Wake up early

To have a much more productive day, you will need to stop hitting the snooze button.

When you wake up early in the morning, you get the opportunity to get ready for a productive day ahead with fewer distractions.

Waking up early also gives you more time to accomplish the tasks ahead with reduced levels of stress.

If you are just starting, set a 6:30am alarm every day, and try your best to stick to this time.

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3. Make your bed first thing in the morning.

Making my bed every morning after waking up has changed my life.

I used to leave my bed unmade for the whole day, and this always made me feel hella disorganized.

Every time I would come back home to an unmade bed only to feel even more stressed.

When you decide to make your bed right after waking up, you feel much more organized, at peace, and ready for a productive day ahead.

So, making your bed right after waking up is a good habit to build.

4. Hydrate

Drinking water in the morning is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Not only is it good for your overall health, but it’s also good for your brain.

Water supplies nutrients to your brain and helps remove toxins.

If you’re wondering why it’s important to drink water in the morning, I’ll tell you why. 

The brain uses a lot of water when you sleep, so when you wake up, you have to drink lots of water to keep your mind functioning and to avoid dehydration.

Drinking lots of water in the morning enables you to increase productivity throughout the day.

5. Exercise

A good morning workout will be your BFF if you want to be much more productive.

For your morning routine, don’t forget to include a workout. When it comes to working out in the morning, you don’t have to do much.

Even a 10-minute workout will do wonders for your overall mood and productivity levels.

If you don’t have a workout routine already, you can easily find simple morning workouts on YouTube that you can follow every single morning.

6. Journal

By now, you probably know that your morning sets the pace for the whole day, which is why you need to start your day on a positive note.

Journaling is good for sorting out your feelings, self-discovery, practicing gratitude, and positive affirmations.

If you have a vision board, I recommend that you also have a gratitude board

What I love a lot is that journaling can be a good way for you to find what you are grateful for in the present moment rather than only focusing on the negatives of life. 

So, start taking a few minutes to journal in the morning. 

Morning Coffee

7. Make your morning coffee

The power of coffee when it comes to increasing alertness and focus is unmatched.

A good cup of coffee is an excellent way to start your morning, plus it helps you stay focused on your tasks, especially when you want to feel awake and have a productive day ahead. 

You can invest in a really cute Good Morning coffee mug to kickstart your day, especially one that makes you feel motivated and excited for the day ahead. 

8. Get ready first

Yes, you read that right.

Instead of drowning yourself in work and endless tasks first thing in the morning, take some time to practice self-care.

Take a cold shower in the morning, as it helps you feel awake and refreshed, and take time to get ready for the day.

Always make an effort to look nice because when you look good, you feel good.

9. Plan Ahead

To reach your full potential and use your time well, you need to plan and make a list of tasks that you need to accomplish. 

A good planner always comes through when it comes to planning for your productive day, as it keeps you focused on prioritizing and completing one task at a time.

I find it easier to plan for the day the night before, as It helps me use my time well in the morning, and I can just get to work after my morning routine without asking myself what needs to be done first.

10. Don’t check your phone. 

Checking your phone first thing in the morning is your number one enemy when you’re aiming for a productivity.

When you check your phone immediately after waking up, you end up wasting a lot of time in most cases.

You think that you will check one thing, and before you know it, 30 minutes have already gone by.

Plus, using technology in the morning reduces your ability to focus, which minimizes your ability to be productive.

So, always keep your phone far away from you when you go to bed, and only use it when you have accomplished at least three things on your to-do list.

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Which of these productive morning routine ideas are you looking forward to trying out? Let me know in the comments.🙂

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