13 Genius Productivity Hacks That Will Make You The Most Productive Person You Know
Want to know the best productivity hacks that will help you become a super productive person? These are the tested and proven productivity hacks all highly productive people swear by!
Being productive can be extremely hard, even when you really want to get some work done!
Whether you’re struggling to stay productive at work, at home, or at school, staying at the top of your work without feeling overwhelmed can be challenging.
As an ex procrastinator myself, I’m going to give you the best productivity hacks that will change your life!
You are going to learn about all the best productivity hacks for success, work productivity hacks, best productivity hacks for people who work from home, and many other productivity hacks that actually work.
After learning about these productivity tips, you will be a pro and extra prepared to get those tasks done faster and efficiently without feeling overwhelmed.
This post is all about the best productivity hacks that everyone struggling to stay productive should know about.
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The Best Productivity Hacks That Actually Work
1. Avoid Multitasking
The first hack that will help you be more productive is focusing on doing one task instead of multitasking.
If you tend to multitask when you’re short on time to get more done, then you probably know that it doesn’t really help you be more productive.
When you focus on doing multiple tasks at once, it takes longer to finish all of them than if you were to do one thing at a time.
So instead of wasting time trying to multitask, practice keeping your focus on one task until it’s done, then move to the next one.
2. Write Down Everything You Need to Do
If you tend to clutter your mind with random tasks that need to be done, you will be distracted and fail to focus on the most important projects.
Instead of trying so hard to remember every little task that pops into your head, like what to get from the grocery store, write everything down so that you will stay organized.
You can simply use a notebook and pen or use a daily to-do list app to help you write down those little tasks that pop into your head during the day. Doing this will help you stay focused on much bigger and important tasks.
This is because you won’t be stressing yourself out trying to remember everything you should get done by the end of the day.
3. Set a Daily Highlight
This productivity hack has literally helped me be much more productive.
Instead of focusing on a whole bunch of tasks in one day, setting a daily highlight enables you to choose only one important task that you would like to complete that day.
If you have other things that need to be done during the day but aren’t as important, consider them “Might Do” tasks.
Keep your focus on completing your daily highlight task first, then when you’re done, decide whether you will do the “Might Do” tasks or not.
4. Use the Pomodoro Technique
If you don’t know what the Pomodoro technique is, it’s a time management system that allows you to divide your workday into 25 minute chunks, also called Pomodoros.
After every Pomodoro, you take a short break of 5 minutes. After completing four Pomodoros, you take a more extended break of about 15 – 20 minutes.
The good thing about this technique is that it enables you to stay productive when you don’t have that much time to work with, or when you have so much time, and you feel like you don’t know where to start from.
The timer motivates you to do as much as you can in those 25 minutes, and this sense of urgency helps you concentrate on the task at hand, especially if you tend to get easily distracted.
Also, being forced to take breaks between your work will help you feel less burned out and overwhelmed at the end of your workday.
5. Block Distracting Sites and Apps
If you tend to get distracted by certain websites or apps, you should use site blockers!
Site blockers will make it MUCH. MORE. EASIER for you to stay productive if you can’t go a few minutes without checking your emails or social media during your work sessions.
So instead of only relying on willpower to avoid distracting content, take advantage of site/app blocking tools.
Some of these tools can even block distracting apps and sites or individual pages across all of your devices!
To find the best website and app blocker that would work best for you, type into Google, ” the browser you use,” then add “site blocker” or ” Device name” plus ” site blocker.”
6. Create a Productive Workspace
This one is for those of us who work from home. If you tend to work from your dinner table or the couch, being productive will be extremely hard.
Also, avoid working from the same place you watch your favorite TV show.
This is because your brain relates these parts of your home to other things like eating, chilling, or watching Netflix.
So what will help you be much more productive is creating a productive workspace. A space in your house where you only go to work and leave when you’re done.
Doing this will help you stay at the top of your game, as your brain will associate your workspace with being productive and getting work done.
Also, avoid cluttering your workspace with a lot of paperwork or other things that may be distracting.
7. Plan Your Day Ahead of Time
One of the things that will help you become more productive is planning your day ahead of time.
If you’re someone who goes through the day without a clear plan, you probably waste a lot of time trying to figure out what to do next.
Or maybe at the end of the day, you realize that you made little to no progress on everything you wanted to accomplish.
However, planning for your day ahead of time keeps you organized for the entire day. So the night before or early in the morning, take a few minutes to write down each task you want to get completed.
Start with scheduled appointments and any other tasks that have to be done at a specific time. Then fill the rest of your time with other tasks you would like to work on during the day.
Planning for your day ahead of time will protect you from wasting time because all your tasks will be scheduled according to specific times of the day.
You literally won’t catch yourself wondering what you should do next when you start using this productivity tip.
8. Tackle the Hardest Task First (or Not)
Believe it or not, the task you start with in the morning will set the flow for the rest of the day.
However, this varies from person to person. I personally like to start with the most complicated task on my to-do list first thing in the morning.
This helps me stay focused because there are fewer distractions early in the morning. Plus, it makes the rest of the day feel like a cakewalk.
However, if you struggle getting started, tackling the easiest tasks first will slowly get you into the mood of working and prevent you from procrastination.
You can then slowly work your way up to the most complicated tasks of the day.
If you’re not sure which of these options would work best for you, try them both!
Experimenting will help you know what works best for you, whether that is starting with the hardest task first or the easiest.
9. Choose Three Important Tasks of the Day
Another excellent productivity trick that will help you get more work done is deciding your three most important tasks of the day.
Start by completing your three most important tasks, then decide whether you would like to do any other tasks that aren’t as important, but you should do the three tasks FIRST!
This will make you super productive because focusing on three tasks every day is a realistic goal you can easily accomplish.
When writing down your three important tasks, be as specific as you can. So instead of writing ” Research small business ideas,” write ” Research and compare the startup costs of small businesses a, b, and c.”
Doing this will help you identify and stick to what you’re supposed to be working on without being distracted.
10. Use the Two Minute Rule
Using the two-minute rule will change your life if you’re constantly distracted by little tasks that pop up during the day.
Instead of spending so much time wondering whether you should do them or not, ask yourself if it can be done in two minutes.
If the answer is yes, then do it! However, if it’s something that can’t be done in two minutes, add it to your to-do list.
This way, you will only have to deal with it later when you’re done with the most important tasks of the day.
Doing this will also prevent you from being distracted by random tasks that pop up as you go through your day.
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11. Avoid Distractions
Protecting yourself from being distracted while working is super important.
So declutter your desk, let other people know that you’re working, especially if you live with someone else, and avoid checking your phone while working.
These may seem like such small and insignificant changes, but they actually help you stay productive.
12. Know Yourself
Some people work best in the morning, while others tend to be more productive at night.
When are you the most productive?
Knowing this about yourself will save you a TON of time. I know that a lot of advice on the internet says that working early in the morning will help you be more productive, but this is not true for everyone.
So if you find that you work best at a particular time of the day, make it your goal to get most of your work done during that time.
13. Practice Self Care
Drowning yourself in work all the time is super unhealthy and can lead to burnout.
Trust me, scheduling time for self-care will help you perform your best.
Instead of thinking about what still needs to get done or other aspects of your work all the time, learn to say no to work when it’s not time to work.
Making sure that you unwind and relax after a long day helps you recharge your batteries, and it protects you from feeling overwhelmed.
So go for a walk, spend time with your family, take a bath, or a long hot shower, journal, or do any other thing that helps you recharge.
To prioritize self-care in your daily life, always make sure that you schedule time for self-care when you make your daily or weekly plan.
This post was about all the best productivity hacks that will help you take charge of your life and become a much more productive person.