10 Sunday Habits For A Productive Week | Habits For an Organized Week

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Sunday habits for a productive week

Hey there! Do you sometimes feel like you’re falling behind in life? Or, as soon as the week starts, you want it to end because you can’t deal with the stress? You’re not alone.

Having an organized and productive week comes down to how you prepare for it.

That is why Sunday is the best day to hit reset and get those tedious tasks out of the way before Monday.

This will help you walk into a new week with a clearer mind.

Building Sunday habits for a productive week will not only give you the ability to shift your focus on important tasks, but you’ll also feel less overwhelmed as you go through your week.

Trust me; once you start building good Sunday habits, you’ll stay at the top of your game EVERY weekday. So if you want to see a list of productive things to do on a Sunday, keep reading!

Today I will be sharing with you 10 Sunday habits for a productive week. Adding these habits into your Sunday routine will set you up for a better and organized week.

Sunday Checklist: 10 Sunday Habits For A Productive Week

Sunday habits for a productive week

1. Plan For Your Week

The first Sunday habit that will change your life is making a weekly plan.

If you’re someone who goes through the week without planning for your days, a weekly plan will be your BFF.

This is because planning for every day of the week helps you stay focused and productive without feeling overwhelmed.

In addition to this, it helps you get more done throughout the week because when Monday or Wednesday comes, you already know what to focus on for that day.

This will also help you clear your mind of those random tasks you keep thinking about.

Putting them in your weekly planner ensures that you don’t forget about them while not trying so hard to remember them.

In your weekly planner, organize everything you have to do for that week, like appointments, deadlines, classes, or other important tasks you want to complete in the upcoming week.

If you’re stressing about where to get a reliable weekly planner from, I got you!


2. Clean Your Space

Are you someone who is always busy throughout the week?

Then adding cleaning and decluttering to your Sunday routine will help you out a lot.

I know how hard it can be to see the mess around the house after coming back from a long and tiresome day. Not a good feeling at all.

However, dedicating Sundays to cleaning and organizing your space will help you return to a much put-together house on Monday.

So take some time to organize everything that got messy during the week in preparation for a new and much better one.

Also, don’t forget to clean out the junk in your purse or your school bag.

3. Go Grocery Shopping

Another good Sunday habit for a productive week is grocery shopping.

If you notice that you’re running out of stuff, go grocery shopping before the week starts.

I wouldn’t say I like grocery shopping, so the last thing I would want is to run to the grocery store in the middle of the week.

This will also help you out if you want to meal prep, but you notice that you don’t have enough ingredients.

Avoid putting this activity in the middle of the week unless you have a lot of free time.

If you live alone or live with someone else, go through what you have and then come up with a list of things to buy from the grocery store.

Planning ahead of time and coming up with a list will save you some $$$.

4. Meal Prep For The Week

If you’re not a big fan of cooking like me, then meal prepping on Sundays will be your favorite.

This is especially helpful because it saves you a TON of time on weekdays.

On Sundays, go through your fridge and see what you have, then prepare your food or ingredients in big batches ahead of schedule.

This way, you won’t be cooking from scratch every time you come back home.

Keep in mind that your meals and ingredients need to be safely stored throughout the week when you meal prep.

So stock up on food storage containers that will help keep your meals or ingredients fresh and tasty without any odors or bacteria.


Glass Meal Prep containers


5. Get Those Chores Done

Among productive things to do on a Sunday is completing those chores you’ve been avoiding.

If your laundry basket has been spilling, take some time to do your laundry.

Check whether your sheets and towels need to be changed as well, and get to work.

This will also be the perfect time for you to do the dishes instead of letting them pile.

Trust me; you’ll be happy you got this done on Sunday when you come back home from a gruesome Monday.

6. Go Through Your Schedule

One thing that will help you stay at the top of your game is going through your schedule before the week begins.

Going through your schedule as a part of your Sunday routine is life-changing, especially if you tend to forget about your appointments or deadlines.

This is easy to do and won’t take up much of your time, so make sure that you take a few minutes every Sunday to see what’s on your schedule for the upcoming week.

This will also help you be well organized and prepared during the week.

7. Pick Your Outfits For The Week

Sunday habits for a productive week


Okay, I can’t be the only one who takes 500 years to pick an outfit in the morning. This is a bit exaggerated, but I literally can’t choose the right outfit in the morning!

I don’t really know what it is, but something about choosing an outfit every morning makes me waste time.

So if you’re someone like me who struggles to come up with an appropriate outfit before heading out in the morning, do it on Sunday.

I find that putting together outfits beforehand is much easier than doing it every morning.

Trust me; this will save you a looot of time, especially if you like to sleep in from time to time.

8. Set Goals For The Week

The easiest way to motivate yourself throughout the week is by setting goals.

You will be much more motivated to do things you struggle with if you set a certain goal.

Before starting the week, take time to think about what you would like to achieve by the end of the week. Then write down your goals so you won’t forget about them.

Here are some examples of weekly goals you can set:

  • Drinking 8 glasses of water every day

  • Having a productive morning routine

  • Reducing your screen time

  • Taking the stairs more often

  • Working out 3x a week

9. Go Through Your Finances

To get an idea of how much you’ve been spending during the week, make it your goal to go through your finances every Sunday.

Don’t be someone who doesn’t know how much they have in their bank account or how much they’ve been spending.

If you notice that you’ve been spending a little bit too much, make it your goal to stay within your budget during the week.

In most cases, you may also find that you’ve been spending a lot of money during the weekend probably because you’ve been going out more.

Going through your finances on Sundays will help you understand your spending habits and help you set better financial goals.

10. Practice Self-care

I’m pretty sure we can all agree that we live in a busy world. And most of us tend to live busier lives to the point of forgetting about ourselves completely.

This is unhealthy and can be really damaging to your mental health and overall wellbeing.

That is why you need to indulge in self-care. And what better day to practice self-care than Sunday?!

Self-care doesn’t have to be really expensive. It’s not only about luxury bubble baths but also little things that make your soul happy.

Practicing self-care is also a great way to recharge for the upcoming week.

This list of self-care ideas will help you find more activities to do on your self-care Sunday.

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Sunday Habits For A Productive Week

This post showed you 10 Sunday habits for a productive week.

What other tricks do you use to stay at the top of your game during the week? Let me know in the comment section below!

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