12 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast

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Struggling to find extra money to save? Here are 12 things to stop buying to save money.

If you’ve been struggling to save more money to pay off your debt or to meet other financial goals, cutting your expenses will help you get that extra money to save.

Maybe you think this is easier said than done because you don’t know how to stop buying stuff.

The goal here is not to cut back on things you need or that are essential in your daily life.

This is all about identifying those things you waste money on that you can stop buying completely or substitute for much more affordable options.

So go through this list of stuff to stop wasting money on so that you can finally be able to find that extra money to save.

12 Things To Stop Buying To Save Money Fast

things to stop wasting money on


1. Unused Subscription Services

Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, you name it. There’s nothing wrong with paying for one of these individually.

However, if you’re paying for multiple subscriptions at once, your expenses could easily add up to 40$ per month!! So consider only paying for the one you love and use the most.

Another thing you should check is whether you forgot to cancel any app subscriptions.

It’s sooo easy to forget canceling your subscription after a free trial, so do go through your bank statements to see whether there are any unnecessary subscriptions you’re still paying for.

2. Impulse Shopping

Impulse shopping is among the bad money habits you should avoid, and it increases your expenses like crazy.

If you always end up buying a lot of things you didn’t plan for when you go to the store, or you keep buying items you just saw on social media on a whim, dropping this habit will help you save money fast.

To stop impulse shopping, plan for all your purchases in advance, and always make a shopping list you can stick to before heading to the store.

3. Eating Out a Lot

Listen, if you’re always eating out at restaurants or ordering in for every meal, making your own food at home will save you a lot of money.

Not that you shouldn’t treat yourself from time to time, but commit to preparing your own food at home.

Even if you’re a busy person, meal planning is the easiest way to make food at home.

Before the week starts, write down what you want to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for every single day of that week.

In addition to this, make sure that you have all the necessary groceries, and prepare your ingredients beforehand.

Related: 7 Bad Money Habits You Should Stop ASAP

4. Bank Fees

I literally used to pay a monthly bank fee until I realized that some banks don’t charge a monthly fee at all.

Paying a bank fee is like paying the bank to keep your money. No one should be adding this to their expenses.

So if you’re paying a monthly bank fee, you definitely need to check out some banks that offer free accounts.

5. Cheap Items

Buying cheap items might seem like you’re saving, but you actually end up wasting a lot of money.

This is simply because these cheap items will need to be replaced quickly. In addition to this, you will most likely end up spending additional money to repair them when they break down.

Instead, buy a few quality items that will last you a long period of time.

6. Buying To Impress

One of the bad money habits that will hold you back in life is buying things to impress others.

If you’re always trying to keep up with the Joneses, letting go of this habit will help you get that extra money to save.

Buying things you don’t need just because everyone else is getting them will drive you crazy financially, especially if you’re using credit to buy things you can’t afford.

So focus on putting your financial goals first instead of keeping up with people who are probably drowning in debt to afford a luxury lifestyle.

how to stop buying expensive clothes


7. Bottled Water

Bottled water is not only bad for the environment but also for your bank account.

If you’re always spending money on bottled water, consider making wise investments to cut this expense.

Getting an affordable water filter and a refillable portable water bottle is a good way to substitute bottled water.

8. Buying Groceries Every Day

The easiest way to waste your money is by not planning for your grocery purchases.

Especially if you live near the grocery store, you may end up going there almost every day.

However, as I said before, impulse shopping adds up your monthly expenses like crazy.

So always meal plan, make a grocery shopping list, and buy all the necessary groceries at once to avoid wasting money on impulse grocery purchases.

9. Gym Membership

If you’re one of those people who get pumped up when the new year starts, only to end up hitting the gym for the first two weeks, this one is for you.

If you barely use your gym membership, then you definitely need to cut back on gym expenses unless you’re really committed to working out there.

You can find other alternatives to help you stay in shape without paying for that gym membership.

Investing in home workout equipment may be a much better and affordable option for you if you struggle to go to the gym.

10. Occasion Clothes

Occasion clothes you will only wear once are a big waste of money.

When you want to buy new clothes for a certain event, shop with your wardrobe in mind.

Always buy clothes you can easily pair with other items you own or that you see yourself wearing multiple times.

11. Unnecessary Device Upgrades

If your devices are working just fine, you don’t need to get new ones because a new model came out.

So unless your phone or laptop has stopped working completely, always avoid making unnecessary upgrades, and focus on saving your money.

12. Checkout Line Items

Do you always find yourself adding additional items into your cart on the checkout line?

Well, stopping this habit will help you manage your money well and avoid upping up your expenses. Stores put those items there to trick you into spending more money before leaving.

So always make sure that you stick to your shopping list to avoid spending more money on things you didn’t plan to buy.

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things to stop wasting money on


This post showed you 12 things to stop buying to save money fast. If you have more tips on how to save money fast, feel free to share them with me in the comment section.

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