Why Am I Never Happy? 9 Things That Are Stopping You From Finding Happiness

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why am I never happy

Why am I never happy? If you’ve been asking yourself this question countless times, you’re in the right place.

Sometimes we keep giving in to the habits that limit our happiness in life.

You may not realize it, but the tiniest decisions you make greatly affect your mood and overall happiness.

The good news is that you can actively pursue a happy life when you fully identify what is making you unhappy.

If you feel like you’ve been unhappy for too long but can’t figure out why, I got you!

I put together a list of 9 things that are probably stopping you from achieving happiness in life, and most of them are things that used to make me unhappy too.

Hopefully, this post will help you identify some of the things that have been stopping you from being happy in life.

9 Things That Are Stopping You From Finding Happiness

why am I never happy

1. Not Being True To Yourself

Not being true to yourself could be one of the reasons why you’re never happy.

Look at how you live your life and the things you decide to associate yourself with.

Are you living life how you want to live it, or are you just dimming your light to please others?

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do that you’re stopping yourself from doing?

If you’re not true to who you are and your values, you won’t really be happy in life.

If this is the case for you, you need to stop giving a shit about what everyone else is doing.

You need to stop caring what people think and start focusing on putting yourself first.

2. Toxic Friends

I can’t even tell you how unhappy I used to be because I was hanging around toxic people.

If you have some toxic friends that you’re keeping in your life, there’s no way you would be happy.

Toxic people drain your energy and affect your mental health.

If you’re not really sure whether some people in your life are toxic, go through these signs of toxic friends.

If you want to find ways to cut off your toxic friends but don’t know how to go about it, start here.

Getting rid of toxic friends is an essential part of finding happiness.

Despite how painful it can be, you need to put your happiness first when dealing with toxic people.

3. Comparing Yourself To Others

Think about everyone in your life. Are there people you’re comparing yourself to?

This could be why you never find happiness in life.

You need to understand that things work differently for people and that everyone’s timeline is different.

If you’ve been comparing your progress in life to someone else’s, You. Need. To. Stop.

Start focusing on no one else but yourself and how you can get to where you want to be in life.

If you’re unhappy because you’ve been comparing yourself to others, start appreciating yourself and your progress instead.

4. Not Working On Your Goals

Always wanted to start a small business? Or a YouTube channel? But you’re not really doing anything about it?

This could be why you’re unhappy. But, on the other hand, working on your goals gives you something to look forward to in life.

I’m not even joking when I tell you that I’ve become much more happier when I started working on my goals in life.

So if you’re not really working on your goals, this could be what is stopping you from finding happiness in life.

why am I never happy

5. Complaining About Your Life

You literally need to stop complaining about your life or how miserable everything is going.

Seriously. You can’t be happy if you’re always deciding to see your life as miserable and tiresome.

When you focus on the negatives of life, you limit yourself from seeing all the great things that are happening around you.

Complaining about everything that is not going well also drives people away from you.

So if you’re someone who is always complaining about every little thing that is not going well, start practicing gratitude.

Trust me; this will change your life.

6. Not Knowing What Makes You Happy

Do you know what makes you happy? What are some of the things that bring you joy in life?

If you’re not sure about what makes you happy, you need to start looking for it.

You can’t be happy if you’re not focusing on more of what brings you happiness.

Knowing what makes you happy will help you stop wasting time on the things that don’t matter.

So take some time to get to know yourself. Try out a bunch of different things and see how they make you feel.

Trust me, investing your time and effort into this step will help you stop feeling unhappy in life.

7. Staying In A Toxic Place

Staying in a place that makes you feel miserable is probably what is stealing your joy.

This could be your job, a relationship, a certain class, or even the town you live in.

If you’re ignoring your desire to leave that one place you hate, there’s no doubt that you won’t be unhappy.

You don’t really need to have everything figured out, but you can start by coming up with a plan on how you can leave this place one day.

Otherwise, allowing yourself to stay in a toxic place will stop you from finding happiness in life.

8. Isolating Yourself

Okay, this one right here, I’m guilty of.

Let’s be real. Finding people who match your energy is really hard.

But you really need to start going out more.

If you’re always coming up with excuses that stop you from meeting up with other people, this could be why you’re never happy.

Find the right people in life and make an effort to hang out with them and to have fun with them from time to time.

9. Refusing To Change

One way to stop yourself from finding happiness in life is knowing what makes you unhappy and still deciding to not do anything about it.

If you’ve identified some of the things stopping you from finding happiness, try your best to eliminate them from your life.

You don’t have to make big changes. Instead, start by focusing on small things that will help you become much happier than you are right now.

Don’t allow yourself to settle for things that steal your happiness in life.

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This post showed you 9 things that could be stopping you from finding happiness in life.

Do You have more ideas on things that limit happiness in life? Feel free to share in the comment section below!

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